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Adapt some classic photo lenses to your modern digital cameras. This fully-manual wide-angle lens from Nikon seems to belong on mirrorless for 4k video.
November 04, 2020
Photo by Kyle Bice     I recently had the chance to catch up with a local photographer who operates around my hometown of (mythical) Kalamazoo, Michigan. As the owner of Vague Photography, he’s professionally created memorable portraits for all types of clients, including musicians and graduating seniors. He’s also been a huge part of
May 29, 2020
One of the best things about mirrorless cameras is the ability to use mount adapters in order to use some of that sweet, sweet vintage glass. Some less-experienced photographers may think that if a lens is older, it’s not going to produce images as high-quality as the newer lens offerings. That’s just not true, though.
May 13, 2020
Whether you’re an amateur, professional, or anything in between, camera collecting is something anyone with a love of cameras can enjoy.  Collecting can be expensive, cheap, fun or educational, but the best part is it can be anything you want it to be.  With a little research, you can be well on your way to
November 08, 2013
The Nikon S2 is a 35mm rangefinder camera that was introduced in 1955.  The S2 was one of Nikon’s best selling rangefinder cameras with a production run of approximately 56,000 units.  It was an improvement over the Nikon S, as users found the Nikon S2 to be a faster and more user friendly camera.  The
October 30, 2013
The Brownie No. 2 Model F is a box roll film camera that was manufactured by Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY.  The Kodak Brownie No. 2 was made between 1901-1933, and the Model F was introduced in 1924.  The Brownie name was derived from a series of popular cartoons called “The Brownies” created by Palmer
October 22, 2013