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Earlier this year we wrote about how to develop your black and white film with coffee and vitamin c. If you missed that article, be sure to check it out here. Today, we’re taking the developing with caffenol one step further to develop your prints also.  Caffenol has become a popular choice in at-home darkroom
August 12, 2011
You probably have come across the issue of aspect ratios before, even if you were unfamiliar with the effect and what was happening. Aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and the height of an image. With having different sizes of digital cameras these days, it’s much more common than it was with 35mm
June 02, 2011
Editor’s note: A while back I saw an episode of Myth Busters on the Discovery Channel (a re-run from their 2008 season) where they set out to bust or confirm a film developing myth from the late 80’s -early 90’s television show MacGyver. The MacGyver challenge was to develop film using ordinary household chemicals like
April 22, 2011
By: Kris Phimsoutham In recent years, traditional photography has been utilizing the technological advancements of digital photography to gain many benefits from it. Expanding materials limitations and enhancing image quality are a few examples of such benefits. I feel that the processes of alternative printing gains the most from this type of “hybrid photography”. Precise
August 17, 2010