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LA-based artist Mike Gray has been on the climb for years, both in skills and presence. Follow his actor-turned-photographer's journey.
August 02, 2022
Matt Granger is an Australia-based photographer with a dedicated YouTube following. Through his channel and other projects including tutorials, workshops, presentations and photo walks, he shares his knowledge and love of photography to the masses. In his most recent video, he brings back his ‘Budgetography’ series and shows us that a photographer doesn’t absolutely need
October 04, 2019
Childhood Cancer Awareness month is recognized every September and we’re doing our part to help raise funds for cancer research with an organization dear to our hearts, Flashes of Hope. Flashes of Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating powerful, uplifting portraits of children fighting cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. These portraits establish pride
September 10, 2019
It’s the best time of year to be outside, and your next headshot client is likely considering being photographed in a park, a cool neighborhood or a garden. That’s the headshot dream, right?  Taking headshots outside is both rewarding and challenging. It’s rewarding when you get an awesome shot with the perfect bokeh and smiling
May 29, 2019
Photography opens up the opportunity to dabble in a variety of different genres. The genre near and dear to me is casual and formal portraits. Like many, I have shot casual portraits since I first laid hands on a camera. Then a few years ago I was singled out by friends and acquaintances to take
June 27, 2017