point and shoot

A - Z
These smaller, uncomplicated staples of the photography community are so much more than just cameras for beginners.
December 31, 2020
Thanks to smartphones, we all carry a camera in our pocket these days, but does yours shoot full-frame through a T*-coated lens? The Contax T3 does. It’s a premium point-and-shoot with plenty of manual controls to keep even a pro photographer happy. This highly desirable Contax packs Leica performance in a pocketable form factor, making
January 15, 2020
Most cameras are easy to classify. But once in a while, something comes along that defies categorization. Something unique that stands on its own. The Konica Hexar AF is one of those cameras. Konica took a chance in the early ’90s and made a fixed-lens rangefinder equipped with cutting-edge automatic features usually reserved for point-and-shoot
September 04, 2019
School’s out, summer’s here, and as you might’ve heard, idle hands are the devil’s playthings. In other words, if you don’t want your kids making their own trouble over the break, they’re going to need something to do—whether at home, on a trip, or while at camp. So, if you’re trying to find something that
May 31, 2019