
A - Z
Olympus’s classic OM-mount Zuiko lenses hold a special place near and dear to the hearts of many photographers. The combination of excellent build quality, compact size and sharp, clear optics make a powerful piece of equipment. It should come as no surprise, then, that these Olympus primes also find their way onto the cameras of
September 24, 2021
Which Micro Four Thirds system has held up better over time—Olympus or Panasonic?
June 29, 2021
The Olympus Zuiko 35mm f/2 is a fully manual lens made for their own OM-mount film cameras. By viewer request, we’ve now included an Olympus lens as the next entry in our legacy lens video project where we take vintage lenses that are often much more affordable than the newest models and see what they
August 25, 2020
For photographers who are looking for a kit that’s smaller, lighter and more affordable, Micro Four Thirds is the system you’re searching for. Users who already know the perks of foregoing full-frame will gladly share their love with you about the improved image stabilization, the innovative technologies of touchscreen displays and the ability to fly
August 13, 2020
As the world’s largest buyer and seller of used camera gear, we have a unique vantage point from which to evaluate photographic trends. Not only do we get an insight into what new gear is catching on, we also have a window into what has staying power—the items that maintain relevance long after their release.
December 16, 2019
Hello all. Now that I have explained several medium format cameras over the last two posts; touting the inherent superiority of greater light gathering surface area let me immediately contradict myself… Kind of. With photography there are many ‘it depends’ situations. Medium format is great when image quality is the ultimate end goal, but 35mm is great
June 06, 2017
Mirrorless cameras have come a long way since they first hit the market. From lackluster electronic viewfinders to a limited variety of native lenses, there were plenty of reasons why it wasn’t thought to be viable for professional photographers to use on the job. However, the times have changed and the technology has changed along
September 21, 2015