nifty fifty

A - Z
What is a nifty fifty? To us, they’re an enduring classic — they’re versatile, they’re lightweight, and they create that beautiful bokeh we know and love. Plus, since 50mm glass comes the closest to what the eye naturally perceives, many photographers find it to be a great way to train the eye.  Whether you’ve got
October 07, 2022
Olympus’s classic OM-mount Zuiko lenses hold a special place near and dear to the hearts of many photographers. The combination of excellent build quality, compact size and sharp, clear optics make a powerful piece of equipment. It should come as no surprise, then, that these Olympus primes also find their way onto the cameras of
September 24, 2021
Take a look at how this classic prime lens renders nature scenes in 4K from the forests of North Carolina.
July 02, 2021
Take a look through this supremely affordable, easy-to-operate precursor to today's modern nifty fifty lenses.
February 12, 2021
The first lens that most people purchase comes bundled with their first camera—that’s right, I’m talking about the kit lens. Buying habits for camera gear suggest that the kit lens is likely the only interchangeable lens an average person will ever buy. As a photography lover, the thought of that blows my mind, and admittedly,
August 27, 2020