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Let’s talk about what it’s like to shoot film. The psychology of it. After all, we already know that shooting film can establish habits to make you a better photographer. On the visual side, film grain is certainly more aesthetically pleasing than digital noise, and we know that the colors you get from film stocks
November 04, 2019
If you’re like me you’ve been wanting to develop your own film, but would benefit from a simplified process. Cinestill has you covered! At least that is what they promise. I love film photography, but initially I outsourced the development/scanning process to my local camera shop. After some time, I wanted to take more control
November 02, 2018
Film photography is alive and well. These cameras are no longer your parents’ and grandparents’ ancient fossils—they’ve found their way out of dusty basements and into the hands of newfound and nostalgic film lovers everywhere. Nikon film cameras have been favorites for decades, and although the emergence of new cameras and technologies are breaking the
September 06, 2018
**THIS POST HAS BEEN UPDATED: “WHERE TO DEVELOP FILM IN 2019”** With the emergence of digital photography, it may have seemed as though film took a back seat to this new form of capturing photos. Though a number of film labs have been displaced by digital alternatives, there are still some amazing places for artists
July 10, 2018
My Favorite Contax G Is Not A Contax. Or Even A Film Camera Recently, I wrote about my 35mm favorite film system, the Contax G.  There is a section where I debated the merits between the G1 and the G2 and spoke of the virtues of both. Since then there was another option mentioned in
April 03, 2018
When I started my position in July of 2017 at KEH Camera, one of the biggest surprises was the fact that almost a third of our business was film cameras. I had assumed, as I watched the change in photography from film to digital back over ten years ago, that only a small handful of
January 22, 2018
Updated on: December 1 If you read my last post you would know that I owned, used, fell for, and cherished the mighty and legendary Leica M3. I even added another lens to it — a bonafide Leica lens (found on, the 90mm Elmar C. Sadly, I no longer own any that. Was it
December 06, 2017
With the digital editing tools available these days, many wonder why the Leica M Monochrome or black and white film exist since black and white seems as close as a saturation slide bar away. In addition, standard drug store/megastore grade and better color film is easier to get and relatively cheap. Most black and white film
November 08, 2017
The Yashica Mat 124G is one of those cameras that has just always caught my attention. It’s a beautiful camera, even without knowing what it can do photographically. The hefty metal body makes this camera feel like a small film-holding tank. And really, there is just something iconic about the TLR (Twin Lens Reflex) look
November 01, 2017
Congrats to Justin Goodhart! His captures are our Top Pics of the Week. Pictured are 3 photos from his trip to Ricketts Glen State Park, PA.  It’s an amazing place, especially for waterfall lovers.  In the course of about a 4 mile hike you can see over 20 named waterfalls and many smaller cascades, falls
May 18, 2017
There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to find something that you know you have, but you’re shuffling everything around and you still can’t find it. Add a client in there that’s waiting on you and that frustration can quickly get worse. This is why it’s very simple, but extremely important, to stay organized when you’re
December 28, 2016
The Polaroid Automatic 320 is an instant pack film folding rangefinder camera produced by Polaroid.  It was manufactured between 1969-1971, and is part of the 100-400 Land Camera series.  The Polaroid Automatic 320 has several features that were standard on all models in the 100-400 series.  Those features include a folding bellows, automatic exposure and
July 02, 2013