film photography

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LA-based artist Mike Gray has been on the climb for years, both in skills and presence. Follow his actor-turned-photographer's journey.
August 02, 2022
We know Leica and Hasselblad gear is appreciating, but lately these less-flashy film cameras have become hot property.
March 19, 2021
The Hasselblad XPan is one of the most sought-after film cameras of the last couple of years, which has caused its value to go through the roof. After putting a few rolls through it, I can definitely see why. It's a great camera that forces you into a wider perspective.
December 10, 2020
If a camera is only as good as what you make with it, then the Minolta TC-1 is an exceptional creative tool, because you’ll want to use it all the time. This premium compact 35mm camera is a dream for snapshooters who value portability, but don’t want to sacrifice usability and image quality. Learn more
April 14, 2020
In the mid-1950s, Yashica set out to copy a classic TLR—the Rolleiflex. Unfortunately, by nearly every measure, Yashica’s version didn’t match the quality and pedigree of a Rolleiflex. But the Yashica Mat doesn’t miss the mark by much. And in one key respect, Yashica actually beat the Rollei hands down—in price. To this day, the
January 23, 2020
Thanks to smartphones, we all carry a camera in our pocket these days, but does yours shoot full-frame through a T*-coated lens? The Contax T3 does. It’s a premium point-and-shoot with plenty of manual controls to keep even a pro photographer happy. This highly desirable Contax packs Leica performance in a pocketable form factor, making
January 15, 2020
I’ve been covering a range of film-related topics in the last few months—from why every photographer should shoot film, to how to develop it at home and how to scan it—so I thought today we’d take a look at the technique of pushing and pulling film. It can be an intimidating topic to get into,
December 23, 2019
As previously established, every photographer should shoot film. But as much as I believe in that tenet, I would never suggest to anyone that they should limit their scope solely to the analog world. It’s perfectly acceptable after getting your film developed to turn your precious emulsions into sterile ones and zeros—actually, it’s more than
October 27, 2019
We recently explained why every photographer should shoot film and told you about places to get your film developed, so perhaps now you’re ready to take control and get into home developing. If that’s the case, you’re in luck, because today we’ll cover how to get started. Home developing can seem intimidating, but it’s actually
September 13, 2019
As we established previously, every photographer should shoot film, but after you’ve shot a few rolls, what’s next? Well, unless you’re some sort of avantgarde genius who doesn’t need to see what you’ve shot, you have to develop that film. The developing process transforms your delicate exposures into permanent images, and makes them no longer
August 10, 2019
There’s no shortage of cameras that tout portability as their top attribute, yet fall short in areas like image quality, handling and ease of use. This makes me wonder—just because a camera is portable, is it actually worthy of being carried around? The answer to that is clear, but what’s interesting is this idea that
June 26, 2019
At KEH, we’ve seen our fair share of Leica rangefinders, each with its own story. These cameras are so beloved, it’s not unusual for people to keep them for long periods of time. It only makes sense that after a while, each M starts to take on a little bit of their owner’s personality and
June 17, 2019