film camera

A - Z
We took out a 35mm Canon Rebel and paired it with an Ugly-grade kit zoom lens. What's the worst that could happen?
November 23, 2021
A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure to fly up to Washington, D.C. to attend The Film Theory Workshop—a wedding photography workshop with a focus on film cameras. Naturally, since KEH has the largest collection of film equipment in the world, we provided gear for the day, which included several medium format cameras and
October 22, 2019
Most cameras are easy to classify. But once in a while, something comes along that defies categorization. Something unique that stands on its own. The Konica Hexar AF is one of those cameras. Konica took a chance in the early ’90s and made a fixed-lens rangefinder equipped with cutting-edge automatic features usually reserved for point-and-shoot
September 04, 2019
Previously, I wrote a two part post (Part 1 and Part 2) comparing the small herd of medium format cameras I had at that time.  I gave no definitive answer on which medium format film camera to choose, because there is a lot of personal choice involved when choosing a relatively uncommon means of capturing
August 02, 2018
The Mamiya M645 1000S was my first medium format camera. I had a friend who wrote a blog about his Mamiya, and I couldn’t stop reading and re-reading it. I wanted one of these beautiful cameras so bad! I found my way to the KEH website and after a couple of days of looking I
July 11, 2018