compact camera

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Compact doesn't mean compromise. Whether it's the Sony RX, Canon G, or Fujifilm X100 series, find something small but mighty to capture your next gallery-worthy shot.
January 26, 2022
When your main camera is something like a Canon R5 with an excellent, but often bulky RF lens, you may not want to lug it around your neck when out on the town for a simple dinner and a stroll. Same goes for when you’re on a relaxing vacation. But that doesn’t mean you should
May 05, 2021
If a camera is only as good as what you make with it, then the Minolta TC-1 is an exceptional creative tool, because you’ll want to use it all the time. This premium compact 35mm camera is a dream for snapshooters who value portability, but don’t want to sacrifice usability and image quality. Learn more
April 14, 2020
Ever since Sony acquired Minolta’s camera division back in 2006, they set themselves on a path of innovation at breakneck speeds. They’ve committed tons of resources into research and development on a mission to take market share away from Canon and Nikon—and for the most part, they’ve been successful. Luckily, what’s been good for them
October 04, 2019