April showers have come and gone, May is here and ready to show off her florals. What better way to celebrate the warmer weather and colorful scenery than bringing your favorite camera along on your adventures? This month, photography amateurs, enthusiasts, and professionals everywhere celebrate National Photography Month. Whether you’re an avid digital shooter or dabble in film photography, there is something waiting to be photographed!
Here are four ways you can enjoy this photography-filled month:
Whether you’ve discovered your photography style or are still waiting to find your niche, it’s a great idea to photograph different subjects. This can really help you expand your knowledge and skill. Sky’s the limit to what you can do with your camera when you step outside of your comfort zone. Join a photography challenge and shoot something new each week. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, start your own challenge with your fellow photography friends and post your results on social media. Tagging #KEHSpotlight, of course.
There’s nothing like seeing your work on display. Why keep it up in the cloud when you can show the world how great your work is? We live in a digital age where simply uploading your photos on social media or other photo hosting sites is easy. Technology can be faulty, though. One simple mistake can delete your digital images forever. Try printing your photos and creating a physical portfolio or album of your work. How inspiring will it be to have a physical reminder of how far you’ve come in your photography journey?
Learning from your peers can be just as beneficial as learning from famous photographers before you. Check out local events where photographers in your area are teaching a class or planning a group photowalk. If you’re in the metro Atlanta area, we recommend attending the ATL Photo Night bi-monthly meet ups. You may discover a new style or even meet your next photography bestie.
Never stop learning! Believe it or not, whatever your photography style is, there is probably someone who “perfected” it long before you. Learning from the greats is important for your growth. Social media is an easy way to connect with established photographers. Follow your favorites on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn platforms; ask questions and engage with their content. Who knows, they may even engage on your posts, too! Building relationships is key to being successful in the photography industry. Shadowing an experienced photographer on a shoot, or even volunteering your time to teach young photographers will help you expand your skills. Find inspiration from others in the industry.